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Dairy Farmers Victoria is hosting a one-day Forum for members on 17 April 2024. This will be its first such Forum. 

It is planned that the forum will open with a discussion of key policy issues, including the pricing of milk and dairy at the farm gate and through the value chain, nitrogen in the environment, and Animal Welfare. 

We will also explore the importance of Advocacy and of having clarity of voice and of purpose before we consider membership and organisational structure and how DFV will achieve that clarity of voice and of purpose. 

The Forum will conclude at 4:30 and be followed by networking drinks and a casual dinner.  

Program Outline

9.30am     Registrations & Morning Tea
10.00am   New Beginnings - Master of Ceremonies Benjamin Vagg
                 Welcome to the Dairy Farmers Victoria Forum 2024 - President Mark Billing

10.30am   Session 1 | Milk Price Discussion - Scott Briggs | Bridgecape Commodities

11.30am   Session 2 | Enhancing Fertiliser Efficiency
                 Michael Darling & Jim Colquhoun | Nutrien Ag Solutions | Gippsland
                 Case Study with Milk Producer Benn Thexton

12.15pm   Lunch

1.00pm     Keynote Presentation - The Hon. Jeff Kennett AC

1.45pm     Session 3 | Industry Advocacy | Building Statewide Connections
                 Adam Jenkins | A facilitated session for members to provide input into key aspects of the new organisation

3.15pm     Afternoon Tea

3.45pm     Session 4 | Animal Welfare Update
                 Andy Hancock | Dairy Australia & Kris Duthie | Agriculture Victoria/DEECA

4.45pm     Closing Address | DFV Forum Feedback | Benjamin Vagg & Mark Billing

5.30pm     Casual Stand-up Cocktail Dinner | 
                 Beverages from 5.30 pm; Cocktail Dinner from 6.15 pm

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